Noble Humanity Trust (NHT) was established under the Indian Trusts Act 1882 having registered office at Chennai District, Tamil Nadu. It began its activities by organizing need based welfare programmes, women empowerment, children and community development programmes. Gradually planned to expand our services rendering support in protection of destitute elders, women, children and rehabilitating the drug addicts in Chennai, Chengalpet, Tiruvallur, Villupuram Districts.
Donate Now
Donations are welcome to sponsor for food and clothing to the needy.
Please do Make donations via cash, E-Transfer, cheque.
Cheque in favour of Noble Humanity Trust
You can make donation through bank transfer. Our bank details are:
Noble Humanity Trust
Account No. 921020016747762
IFSC: UTIB0001224
Axis Bank Ltd
K K Nagar, Chennai Branch